Jn17:11-17 Kept in Jesus' Name
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# Kept in
Jesus' Name ## John 17 --- # What is Jesus' **prayer** for us? [###](#/review "secret") >>> + Christ **prayed** to Father for us + deep **concern** over us + if anyone's prayers are **heard**, it's the Son's! + Father is **able** to carry it out + **what** was the content of Jesus' prayer? --- [11](# "ref") And I am no longer in the world,
but they are in the world,
and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name,
which you have given me,
that they may be one, even as we are one. [John 17:11 (ESV) (p.1/5)](# "ref") --- [12](# "ref") While I was with them,
I kept them in your name,
which you have given me. I have guarded them, and not one of them
has been lost except the son of destruction,
that the Scripture might be fulfilled. [John 17:12 (ESV) (p.2/5)](# "ref") --- [13](# "ref") But now I am coming to you,
and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy
fulfilled in themselves. [John 17:13 (ESV) (p.3/5)](# "ref") --- [14](# "ref") I have given them your word,
and the world has hated them
because they are not of the world,
just as I am not of the world. [15](# "ref") I do not ask
that you take them out of the world,
but that you keep them from the evil one. [John 17:14-15 (ESV) (p.4/5)](# "ref") --- [16](# "ref") They are not of the world,
just as I am not of the world. [17](# "ref") Sanctify them in the truth;
your word is truth. [John 17:16-17 (ESV) (p.5/5)](# "ref") --- ## John: The Heart of Christ 1. *First* Journey: Galilee to Jerusalem [(ch1-3)](# "ref") 1. *Second*: Galilee to Jerusalem [(ch4-5)](# "ref") 1. *Third*: Galilee to Jerusalem [(ch6-8)](# "ref") 1. *Signs* in Jerusalem [(ch9-12)](# "ref") 1. Instruction to the *Disciples* [(ch13-16)](# "ref") 1. **High Priestly Prayer** [(ch17)](# "ref") 1. *Crucifixion* and Resurrection [(ch18-21)](# "ref") >>> + direct quotes from Jesus, 12 "I Am"s + **3rd** Passover in Jerusalem + road to the **cross** --- ## High Priestly Prayer [(Jn17)](# "ref") 1. Personal: *Glorified* by the Father [(v1-5)](# "ref") 1. People: *Belonging* to God [(v6-10)](# "ref") 1. Petition: **Kept in His Name** [(v11-19)](# "ref") 1. Purpose: *United* as a Witness [(v20-26)](# "ref") >>> + prays for **Himself** + **report** + **request** + identifies **who** He prays for + distinct from the **world** + **petition** as He leaves this world + that **we** may **know** God (eternal life) + that the **world** may know: + God **sent** Jesus + God has **loved** us --- ## Jesus' Petition [(17:11-19)](# "ref") 1. **Kept** in His Name [(v11-12)](# "ref") 1. Kept from **Evil** [(v13-15)](# "ref") 1. **Sanctified** in His Word [(v16-19)](# "ref") >>> + 3 requests in this section: + keep them in Your **Name** + keep them from **evil** + **sanctify** them in the truth --- And I am no longer in the world,
but they are **in the world**,
and I am **coming** to you.
Holy Father, **keep** them in your name,
which you have given me,
that they may be **one**,
even as we are one. [John 17:11 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + 4-point outline of ch17 + reflect on **self**: imminent **glorification** + remember **disciples**: in but not **of** + request the **Father**: to **keep** + review the **purpose**: **unity** --- Holy Father, keep them in **your name**,
which you have **given me** [John 17:11 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + given **name**: Jesus Christ: + **Saviour**: power to save + **Anointed**: sent by God + **Father** God has auth to **save** + **gave** auth to Jesus --- ... in the name of **Jesus Christ**
I pray, **Amen** >>> + why **pray** in Jesus' name? + **clarify** who we are praying to + **confirm** our identity as kept in His name + **claim** His promises + Philippians: power of Jesus' name: --- Therefore God ... **bestowed** on him
the **name** that is above every name, ... [11](# "ref") [that] every tongue confess
that **Jesus Christ is Lord**,
to the glory of God the **Father**. [Philippians 2:9,11 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + God **bestows** (gives) auth + every **knee** + tongue + glory goes to **Father** + Jesus **requests** Father to keep (fut) + and **reports** how he kept (past): --- While I was **with** them,
I **kept** them in your **name**,
which you have given me. I have **guarded** them,
and not one of them has been lost [John 17:12 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **kept**: + **King's** keep: treasure, defend + **guarded**: safe + **prison** keeper: guard, hold fast + both **external** + **internal** threats + son of **perdition** --- The LORD is your *keeper*;
the LORD is your **shade** on your right hand. [7](# "ref") The LORD will *keep* you from all **evil**;
he will *keep* your **life**. [8](# "ref") The LORD will *keep*
your **going** out and your **coming** in
from this time forth and forevermore. [Psalms 121:5,7-8 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + King's keep (defend): **shade** + prison keep (guard): from **evil** + going/coming: limit **freedom** --- # God **keeps** us in the name of **Jesus** the **Messiah** --- ## Jesus' Petition [(17:11-19)](# "ref") 1. Kept in His Name [(v11-12)](# "ref") 1. **Kept from Evil** [(v13-15)](# "ref") 1. Sanctified in His Word [(v16-19)](# "ref") --- But now I am **coming** to you,
and these things I speak **in the world**, that they may have **my joy**
fulfilled in themselves. [John 17:13 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **how** can we have **joy**? + Jesus left us, unattainable light + world **hates** us --- And I will **ask** the Father,
and he will give you another **Helper**,
to be **with** you forever [18](# "ref") I will not leave you as **orphans**;
I will **come to you**. [John 14:16,18 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + Jesus **left** us + but left us His **Spirit** + Advocate, Helper, Encourager --- I have given them your **word**,
and the world has **hated** them because they are **not of the world**,
just as **I am** not of the world. [John 17:14 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + not of the world + repeated in v16 + identity: **belonging** to God --- I have **manifested** your name
to the people whom **you gave me**
out of the world. **Yours** they were,
and you **gave** them to me,
and they have **kept** your word. [John 17:6 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + belong to God + given (auth) to Jesus + have kept His word + c.f. election/predestination --- If you were **of the world**,
the world would **love** you as its own; but because you are **not of the world**,
but I **chose** you out of the world, therefore the world **hates** you. [John 15:19 (ESV)](# "ref") --- I do not ask that you
take them **out** of the world, but that you **keep** them from the **evil** one. [John 17:15 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + not looking same as world + "I'm normal just like you! " --- # Why has Jesus
**left** us in this
**broken** world? --- ## Jesus' Petition [(17:11-19)](# "ref") 1. Kept in His Name [(v11-12)](# "ref") 1. Kept from Evil [(v13-15)](# "ref") 1. **Sanctified in His Word** [(v16-19)](# "ref") --- **Sanctify** them in the truth;
your **word** is truth. [John 17:17 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + both **purification** (keep from evil) + and **consecration**: dedicate for purpose: --- You did **not** choose me,
but I **chose** you and **appointed** you that you
should go and bear **fruit** [John 15:16a (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + election + but not purely passive + chosen for a purpose --- As you **sent** me into the world,
so I have **sent** them **into** the world. [John 17:18 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + missions mindset + e.g., JJ waiting while others cut in line --- For their sake I **consecrate** myself,
that they also may be **sanctified** in truth. [John 17:19 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **consecrate**: sanctify, make holy + but Jesus was **already** clean, sinless! + **dedicate**, set aside for focused **purpose** + Messiah, **Anointed** + ⇒ **crucifixion** + resurrection + His **purpose** (die for us) + **cleanses** us (pay for our sins) + and gives us **purpose** (walk worthily) --- # Have we **consecrated** ourselves to God's **will**? >>> + **cleansed**, pursuing holiness + **missions** mindset ---